Yoga Class Schedule
Samadhi Yoga Sangha
Fridays: 8:30—10:00 am
About Patrick Montgomery, E-RYT 500
Patrick’s classes are innovative. He is known to offer new variations, modifications, skill-building drills, and sequences to help students discover more about the poses and themselves. He draws on over two decades of experience in Anusara, Ashtanga, and Iyengar yoga methods. Every class with Patrick includes a philosophical theme, dynamic warmups, and an exploration of a benefit, action, or pose. Patrick’s classes are active—challenging but accessible to anyone without serious injuries or conditions.
Patrick began practicing Iyengar Yoga in 1997. In 2002, Ashtanga Yoga led him to Boulder, CO where he practiced and studied with Richard Freeman. He then went on to become a certified Anusara® instructor in 2008 with the incredible mentorship of Cindy Lusk. In recent years, he has studied mostly with Noah Maze, Christina Sell, and Lisa Beckwith-Wolf. Always a student, Patrick bows with gratitude to the teachers who have guided him on his path.
Patrick has led over a dozen 200 and 300-Hour advanced teacher trainings and taught internationally. Yet, his heart is at home in Colorado. He has come to value the consistency of an everyday practice the most. He adores the familiar faces of students who show up, week after week, to keep practicing.
Patrick also works full time as a Creative Director for Movement Climbing, Yoga, & Fitness. Patrick’s other yoga—and lifelong love—is horses. When he’s not working, Patrick’s is probably riding his horse, Bravo, in the mountains.
“Patrick Montgomery is more than a Yoga instructor. From his calm, serene demeanor, to his humor and vulnerability, Patrick offers not just an incredible experience of Yoga asana, but a poignant and practical portrayal of the ancient teachings. He provides careful and clear alignment details; deeply relevant wisdom; and a totally firm presence; all skillfully woven together with a beautifully told story and/or spiritual truth. I’ve never had a teacher offer the opportunity for such deep transformation, on such a consistent basis. Every class with Patrick is a new window to peer through and discover the Universe within. He has shown me the meaning of deepening my practice. ”
Practice with Patrick Online
Neck Nirvana
This practice helps release tension from the neck, shoulders and upper back. This sweet, slow, short sequence includes seated twists, lunges and shoulder stretches and winds down with restorative variations of Setu Bhanda (Bridge Pose) and Savasana (Corpse Pose) that will leave your heart light and your neck feeling so much better.
40mins Level: All Levels Props: blocks and blanket
Turn & Churn The Spine
Are some poses easier on one side than the other? This intermediate practice balances asymmetrical patterns of strength and weakness from side-to-side and coaxes the spine back to center. Many poses are held for several breaths allowing time to explore their inner workings –particularly how to properly rotate the torso. This strong, slow flow sequence features side bends, opposite arm and leg balances, a mandala of standing postures including Parighasana (Gate Pose) and side plank variations leading to the peak pose, Kapinjalasa (Side Plank Bow Pose). Ideal for yogis with imbalances, scoliosis and anyone who wants to feel more magic pulsing through their spine.
75mins Level: All Levels Props: blocks and blanket
Yoga for Rock Climbers: Upper Extremities
Yoga helps balance out rock climbing. This sequence of asanas and arm variations works the opposite actions typically used in rock climbing to balance strengths and prevent injuries. Because climbing involves mostly pulling motions, this yoga practice preferences pushing movements while aligning the joints and increasing mobility in those areas that are typically tense, gripped, and tight. On this journey, you will practice forearm, wrist, hand, elbow, shoulder, and neck drills, variations of Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana), Reverse Table (Purvottanasana), descend into Thread The Needle (Parsva Balasana) and end with meditation in Abhaya Hrdaya Mudra (Fearless Heart). Perfect for anyone looking for an alignment-focused shoulder opening class, particularly climbers who want to add yoga to their training program.
55 mins Level: Intermediate Props: 2 blocks, strap (optional)
Root Back and Relax
Get grounded quickly. This short, innovative series of supine poses at the wall uses two straps, one around the ball of your foot and one around the top of your thigh to help root your thigh bones back, stretch your hamstrings, and create traction in the lower back. Your go-to practice for when your body feels disconnected from the Earth, your nerves are fried, or your mind is spacey.
35 mins Level: Intermediate Props: 2 blocks, strap, blanket (optional)
Strength & Devotion
This video begins with the story of Vyagrapada, the devotee who ascends the tallest trees every day to bring down the most beautiful blossoms to lay at the feet of Lord Nataraja. It's about the strength and beauty of one's spiritual practice. Emphasizing strong work in the hands, this sequence is a steady climb through standing poses, arm balances and backbends leading to the transition from Wild Thing to Wheel Pose.
75mins Level: Intermediate Props: 2 blocks (optional)
Ready to take your understanding and precision of your yoga practice to another level? This 6-day series will make your practice significantly stronger and more fine-tuned. With intelligent sequencing and accessible yet profound alignment cues, Patrick guides you through classes that will have you more powerful in your yoga, and more successful in harder postures.
If you feel like sometimes your yoga practice plateaus, or you get comfortable doing the same poses, with the same teachers, and not investing time into learning more, or challenging yourself, this program is perfect for you. Patrick's classes will teach you, while still maintaining an enjoyable fluid flow, that keeps you in the zone and your mind focused. The series ranges in focus from inversions to twists, to heart openers and all classes take their time, and are between 45 - 70 minutes each.
It can be said, that if you go to a yoga class where you can do every pose perfectly and easily, you are in the wrong class. The purpose of yoga is to keep extending the boundaries of the body and mind, and continue to stretch what you believe is possible. As your practice advances, the adjustments, improvements, and refinements become more subtle, but nonetheless powerful and transformative.
To advance one's practice, there needs to be a balance of both learning and refining technique, and also putting the information into practice, with time and sweat on the mat. These classes provide an ideal balance of those two elements. Commit to your yoga and feel your strongest, with these 6 transformative and effective classes from Patrick.
Six Sessions
Standing Poses
Learn essential techniques in several standing poses including Ardha Chandrasana and Pavritta Trikonasana. This practice also shows you how to activate the feet, lift the arches and open the ankles and calves. Practice regularly to develop strength and flexibility.
45mins Level: All Levels Props: 2 blocks (optional)
Belly-Down Backbends and Core
This creative sequence strengthens the low back and core which can help with back pain, digestion and make bigger backbends feel better. More time is spent on poses we often do quickly such as Bhujangasana and Chaturunga. This class progresses to fun variations of Bhekasana and Dhanurasana. You'll connect to your core and your heart through this strong work.
60mins Level: All Levels Props: strap (optional)
Hip Opening
Ground and nourish yourself in slow-paced, timed hip openers. This thorough practice encircles the hip joints, activating and releasing the quads, adductors, external rotators and hamstrings. It includes lunges, standing poses, seated hip openers, an exploration of Agni Stambasana and ends with relaxing supine poses.
75mins Level: All Levels Props: blanket, block and strap
Twists and Arm Balances
Turn your attention to alignment in this strong and playful progression of standing poses, arm balances and seated twists. This class includes approaches to Bakasana and Parsva Bakasana for beginners. You'll end with pranayama to balance the nervous system.
65mins Level: Intermediate Props: block, blanket and strap
Backbends & Inversions
In this class, detailed techniques are given for opening the shoulders and upper back. This sequence does not meander - it's a Suryanamaskar warm up, includes Pinche Mayurasana and gets down to the business of back bending. Urdhva Dhanurasana is the apex pose. Perfect for backbend lovers and anyone who wants to feel more radiant.
65mins Level: Intermediate Props: block
Forward Folds
This is a quiet exploration. The sequence begins by lengthening and releasing the spine, side body and hamstrings in standing poses. Then practice the four sitting poses that BKS Iyengar said prepare the body for the optimal forward fold, Pascimottanasana. Finally, move deeper into stillness in Upavista Konasana and Pavritta Janu Sirsasana. This practice will help you relax, restore, prepare the body for meditation and get a good nights sleep. Ways to modify are given for beginners and tighter stuf
65mins Level: Intermediate Props: block, blanket and strap